Its all yoyos spinners and pulleys elastic strings and foam and possibly gears


Thanks YouTube and WikiPedia & Google for making putting this together faster, if one bit of it infuriates you leave a comment, it covers religious topics in my life happening about end times, yoyo theory a merging of my religious ideas quantum physics relativity, shamanism, researched over years from reading Richard Feynman, hours watching near death experiences, Sid Roth it's supernatural YouTube 100 episodes, 100 hours of Jordan Peterson trying to explain responsibility sociology and being a good christian to me, I even had a response from Ed Witten String Theorist over email, my ideas being a programmer since I was 15, Electronic Engineering Degree, I'm not great at maths and certainly can't sort a physics problem like Richard Feynman, I haven't even attempted many, my ideas are intuitions, they are not proven,but there are plenty of embarrassments in accepted physics in the last 100 years, Renormalisation and Vacuuum Energy Calculations, I watched the best of YouTube on Physics & Maths,  3 Blue 1 brown, numberphile, Mathologer, for maths, Alvin Ash, PBS Space Time and Sabine Hofstaedter.

Everything in human knowledge is about spotting patterns, whether these are laws of physics, how to win at in sales, making someone love you through psychology, or dressing nicely, witchcraft, spotting analogies which will be important in artificial general intelligence here i present the analogies between Yoyos and Physics run in the matrix simulation created by God.

The laws of chemistry were discovered by Medeleev discovering patterns in checmistry atromic weights etc being similar to a game of patience, science is all analogies. In the beginning was the word and the word was God. All that is seems described by text and grammer including ourselves as DNA which is infromation in the Matrix.

Consiciousness is just awareness in a part of the universe looking out saying somethings up and trying to spot the pattern and how best to survive.

As the Bible says before you were born I knitted you in your mothers womb ( with yoyos ). All chemistry SPDF orbitals electrons orbiting an atom are yoyo tricks admittedly the perpetual motion of the yoyos is questionable unless they are solar powered they may be as bose einstein condensates happen at very low temperatures. The limit of yoyo's other for tangling by gravity is about the size of a galaxy. There seems to be a single atoms nucleus as the main consciousness of human beings a conscious flying spaghetti monster a calabu yau space in string theory pulling a hirerarchy of the human from around the pineal gland animating us as humans and animals. Quark theory QCD there are things with behave mathematically as strings inside atoms holding the nucleus together string theory Quantum electrodynamics QED virtual particles matter antimatter pairs strings with a renormalisation limit the size of yoyo strings. Music in Heaven yoyo strings vibrating. Photons coming from inside atoms yoyo strings breaking off and joining yoyo spinners called electrons. Electron Spin inside an atom knows what way the person is looking at it and spin up and spin down are spinners of yoyos grinding off each other in opposite directions as yoyo tricks. 

Yoyo theory wrt big bang

Yoyo example of a hydrogen atom

Heres a video of my nephew Jimmy Samson quarter Jew of the tribe of Samson with a Jewish watering can emulating a hydrogen atom. 

The orbitals are knots on the rope and are global variables like the particle sizes masses and other constants of physics, algorithmic compression in ways every particle in the particle zoo can be considered as a global variable in the simulation.  Watch this on string theory.

This theory doesn't explain galaxies accelerating apart and variation in sizes of galaxies.

What he doesn't say is the physics which hold the particles in the nucleus together is based on strings gluons. These strings have tension and break.

Athiest mathematicians too autistic and athiestic to spot the obvious if you don't think string theory has something to do with music, and is only mathematics listen to this modest genius Damien Salzar a Buenos Aries street musician move you in 11 dimensions called semitones.


Linus Paulings SPDF orbitals in the nucleus are collision avoidance yoyo tricks, feynman diagrams are Yoyo tricks.

As can be seen from this video

 Even photons appear to be conscious they don't travel all possible paths in parallel and then quantum theory parallel Universes conspire that the only true reality is that photons travel the shortest path from point a to point b. They know the shortest path the photons planned the route, why don't you accept God & the Cosmic Consciousness exists, every particle in the Universe is intelligent and knows what it is trying to do, when the particle misses the mark and disobeys God it's consciousness gets punished as we do by life falling for our addictions until we learn, and the Universe & everything in it is trying to play out Gods his plan perfectly & succeeds if everything in it is kind and loving and knows the best thing to do and doesn't obey the father of lies, ones consciousness I believe is just an observer. just a single centre called calabu yau space in string theory of an atom in your Pineal Gland observing and pulling strings in your Giant network of atoms called a body via wires to muscles and getting feedback as pleasure and pain from the body, we all seek pleasure and try to avoid pain well that what it feels like to me.

At very least the Photons while travelling the path of least time are using a route planning algorithm like google maps using Dijkstras Algorithm.

Admittedly its a Neutonian simplification describing them as Yoyos, Einsteins spooky action at a distance talks about particles knowing each others state instantaneously . 
Wheelers delayed choice experiment says the future affects the past. Why don't Yoyos tangle completely and become unusable. And Anti Matter being matter that travelling backwards in time. The Pauli exclusion principle between electrons in the same orbital I suspect exists to stop Yoyos tangling. I'm open to suggestions and comments please leave some below so i can improve this theory. We get crippled, decay, and die when our dna yoyo string body gets tangled so much we can't move due to sin and wear and tear and we move onto the afterlife, we have srings tying to each other too a betrayer gets a string called stabbed in the back, sin badly you will get a heart attack. People attach strings called pain in the neck too. Caroline Myss christian medical intuitive gives many more examples of this idea in her audio CDs. 

Consciousness is the Universes way of observing itself as my friend John Masterson pointed out consciousness is a ghost in the machine saying "Somethings up", The nucleus spins around a conscious entity at the centre of the atoms called Calabau Yau Space in String theory doing complex Yoyo tricks responding to music emotion and orders, the Yoyo Strings being mostly electromagnetic photon strings to the electrons at least, If you think this is nuts I've a video below of a commonly observed effect of water responding to emotion.
This idea however has many shortcomings if one things of the Yoyo strings in a purely Neutonian sense, the universe is an interdependent mostly mathematically described entity created by our cosmic consciousness that we most of the time agree on what we observe within the Universe. The orbits of electrons around atoms is believed to be caused by the Heizenberg Uncertainty Principle and niavely assuming one proton is tied to one electron, what happens in a negatively charged ion how does the negative charge stay in place.

At the centre of the atom the Nucleus is held together by extremely high binding energy gluons its no wonder atomic energy is so ferocious like the Norse God thor spinning an Olympic hammer. 

3 year old kids see yoyos when they look at Feynman diagrams. The mathematicians get lost in complex path integrals i believe particles are conscious as tools are at least respond to prayers music and force and obey mathematical rules except when broken it's unlikely that every path is taken in reality if it is its an infinite case of Everetts many world hypothesis, I assume that a reality split occurs when consciousness makes a decision.

Here are a few Yoyo/Spinner tricks physics may do, he says his spinner is expensive there are cheap good ones on alibaba amazon even apple ones in the gift shop in Apple Computers in Cupertino.

And the probability of finding an elecron in an spdf orbital point as can be seen from this video in minute physics looks like the probabilty of finding the yoyo.

The reason the Universe expands is because the maximum length of a Yoyo tangle is about the size of a galaxy usually centred around a black hole, and the speed of light is limited the maximum elasticity of the string, maybe a yoyo is an incorrect analogy as it is more like a rubber band and a weight called a Yoyo at the end maybe they should start making Yoyos with elastic string rather than cotton.

If you think this is all Horse Shit look at this from the origins of string theory come from the physics of a string being used to describe the interactions in the centre of an atom in the standard model, this information is hidden I can't find it on the net, Leonard Susskind  Physicist worked on this stuff in 1968, they mystify string theory with Hors Shit and complex maths & don't tell anyone why they came up with the idea it's all strings in the first place, it's more than strings it's Yoyo Theory. Physics is about impressing people with complex maths that nobody understands and the more complex your sums the more you can convince everybody else they are stupid because they don't understand you.

This lecture describing spinors in the excelllent PBS Space Time with David O'Dowd which describes electron spin seems to completely agree with Yoyo Theory if you consider the Yoyo String a flat flexible Belt.

Stephen Hawkings body went warped because he didn't exercise and his mind body spirit connection warped because he tried to put God who has a sense of humor in a Mathematical Box.

 done by a conscious entity your inner self a single string puller behind your eyes like in Men in Black called calibau yau space at the centre of the nucleus.

The double slit experiment can be partially explained the particle knowing its being observed by a conscious entity, if you don't believe in psychic phenomenon how do women know that men are looking at their backsides people and animals just know stuff. 

Watch this video from mind valley where they are training people to be more psychic with the Silva method.

 and wave particle duality is the string attached to the Yoyo flying through space unbound. The universe expansion is what happens when Yoyo's a left fly freely.

Gravity and electromagnetism obey inverse square laws because thats the way strings tangle. 

Before you were born I knitted you in your mothers womb.

The body is a system of pulleys, Dogs know this, you pull the strings taut, you will have better posture if you learn to pull them taut according to yogic tradition, you are more likely to be more alpha in appearance, cocky, mind, body, spirit.

Gravitationational lensing is a yoyo trick performed by consciousness that obeys physics. Photons vibrations on the strings.

If you think this is pushing it try putting a bass amplifier speaker horizonal and put metal filings on it and pluck the bass guitar string and ask them to jump in time with the music, I've been asking friends & colleages for 20 years to cooperate with me and they are unresponsive.

Heres how iron filings could potentially dance to music or massage ones back.

Tools & machines & rocks are 100% compliant consciousness that do what you expect until they break or take psychadellics when they will talk to you.
Sound can levitate
There is no reason why you could levitate mercury disk ( mercury is poisonous however ), or simpler, aluminium foil into space with a high powered laser, like solar sails use the suns radiation resistance.

As the Bible Luke 19:40 says, and he answered and said onto them, "I tell you that if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out."
 African witch doctors can do tricks where rocks if you stand on them they will talk to you, this video is water responding to love and hate.

so are black holes at the centre of galaxys and the universe expands because gravity has a range limit the size of galaxys probably.

Spinors and electron spin and gravity I'll leave to a smarter guy than myself to explain the math. 

The funnier something is the more likely it is to be true. The Dirac Equation is a mathematical joke.

Spin up and down are yoyo tricks to avoid strings being tangled. 

The pauli exclusion principle electrons because they touch and spin in opposite directions are like gears they point up and down if measured to make interesting physics like going through the Stern Gerlach instrument silver atoms get seperated into up and down like sheep and goats on the day of Judgement in the book of revelation and it's a useful physics tool. 

One reason an electron doesn't fall into an atoms nucleus other than the Heizenberg Uncertainty Principle is according to my far out yoyotheory niave belief which I came up with when high that it is powered by solar radiation, turning into Bose Einstien Condensate at near zero kelvin. And changing state into something entirely different at the temperatures present in the first seconds of the big bang. 

The yoyos intrensic angular momentum is from the spin of the electron yoyo there are mini magnets on the yoyo sides so spin aligns for silver atoms and even electrons in the Stern Gerlach instrument

Gravitons have spin 2 because they have a different number of teeth on their gears and rotate through 720 to go back to the same orientation rather than 180 for electrons or 360 for a normal classical experience humans witness.

Electrons going through both slits seem to be paralell universes or Bohms pilot waves being calculated by the electons consciousness.

Consciousness is the universes way of observing itself and it has been proven that meditation can alter the outcome of a double split experiment to as much statistical accuracy as athiest physicists use to believe something, 3 sigma.

Elephants painting with the skill i designed flying saucers with at 7 years old

Before you were born I knitted you in your mothers womb, stop abortion now.


People are black holes of neediness orbited by people who choose to engage with them.

Alternatively with more sexual version

Females have a black hole their vagina that attracts male orbiters who orgasm into the singularaties and a wormhole called the vagina opens a new galaxy horoscopes are true and according to holographic theory the universe is compressed by coincidence people with a sense of humour notice coincidences all over the place, the data that can be held in the universe is equal to the surface area of the universes lava lamp crystal ball. Let Leonard Susskind Explain.

God leaves out patterns, puts cosmic coincidences across space and time to compress the facts of reality in words people with a sense of humour notice this, universe engineering rules one place can be applied in an unrelated topic, shared code in the universal simulation. There are almost an infinite number of protons,neutrons and electrons in the universe yet they are all identical because they are controlled by the same property values even if in smaller particles.
He puts images in clouds to remind us of some things.

The information in the universe is related to the surface area not the volume,
shamanism is true & people with a sense of humour are far more in tune with reality than athiest scientists & overly religious. As the bible says in the beginning was the word, I believe the universe is playd out on a computer driven by words, the bible says there is power in the word, so do witches, also the blood has power in christianity and witchcraft.

Witchcraft takes advantage of entanglement and playing with the words on the universal computer e.g. voodoo dolls. For some further reading on Witchcraft and the Bible see here.

John Raimerez gives a gripping account into witchcraft here

Some interesting Shamanic pictures

Possibly Tree Chakras, possibly lens trick, nice picture anyway

A lovely female alien with peacock feathers, or a darn good mockup in a photoshop app, she now could be made on earth with gene therapy.

Somebody should be practicing guitar

A pigs arse with Jesus on it, would Steve Jobs allow his image or the Apple Logo be on a pigs arse? I think not, but Jesus would to tell us he has a sense of humour, either that, or Eoin Carroll is busy on photoshop sending out sacreligous memes.

Problems with a niave view of this theory

Matter Waves, De Borgie Wavelength, particles colliding and changing into other particles,Quantum InterferenceQuantum Tunneling & The Heizenberg Uncertainty Principle as well as what happens when strings go through patticles,Wheelers delayed choice & Quantum Eraser experiments about the future affecting the past, of things coming into your causality, and, possibly the decisions you make in future will affect the people that came into your past have implications where a niave view of Yoyo Theory Fail Quantum Field Theory, Virtual Particles & the Higgs Boson also has to be taken into account

 Antimatter is essentially matter that travels backward in time annhilating it a flash of light at a point in time, does anti matter still obey normal gravity? 

The implications of warp drive, are, people from the future, can go into a past, and deliver messages there, to, for example, Aztec shamen in the Amazon Rainforest taking Ayuahaska. 

From a beam of lights perspective Lorenz Transformations say the universe is infinitely small and light has no sense of time its a state.

Soul Contracts and Entanglement of Souls

Read Caroline Myss christian medical intuitive, we are all entangled with each other shamanically by strings. Listen to your gut, it sometimes says no with its internal mouth, or okay when digesting food. It has brain cells, so has the heart, and, you will get a heart attack for wronging sinning. Other people will cause you pain in the necks via entangled strings. We are each others marionettes and Gods too. a voodoo doctor can move your arm, hurt you with a needle, more string theory and quantum entanglement due to soul contracts and friends and sexual partners, thats why promiscuity drives one mad we have revenge and guilt cheating sex up the backside lesbians and men licking vaginas which taste of rotten fish double dealing divorce children abortion vasectomies the pill sex drugs rock and roll and other junk we use for pleasure the Dali Lama, whatever about worst perverts in the church and elsewhere which got away from it, knows he is better off avoiding.

 I got weights lifted off me supernatural by a lovely guy whom I kissed after on the cheeks, he was gay a jesus follower, jesus loves him as he loves all gay men read my fairy email typed by my dead aunty Margo later in this blog, she says Jesus wants to marry hardcore gay men, possibly the reason god made them gay was so they would love jesus more and ideally wait to marry him in Heaven like the apostles, Elton John loves jesus, bodies don't have sexual organs in heaven, and one unless in a very loving relationship, usually to make children, feels like crap, after orgasming, and as Shopenhauer says the devil laughs, performed Byron Katie forgiveness techniques counselling me and removed revenge strings tangled from my body marionette to others.

 A person who you betray will stab you in the back, and, you will get back damage, to remind you. Tour knee will crack to remind you of something, You will scrape your feet on the ground making a decision, pigeons will fly out of trees delivering your decisions to heaven suddenly. I often astral project at night having lucid dreams and notice alien sounds around the room, I once got possessed by many animals and ancestors in a dream and had a soul retrieval after many years depresses, bizzare sounds will wake you up, tinnitis a ringing in the ear is a tuning fork for perfect pitch, you sing better with tinnitis, one may sleepwalk, my father drove in his sleep, get paralised by demons on you chest, athiests write these thing that go bump in the night off, even Richard Dawkins author of The Selfish Gene and Famous Athiest has cognitive dissonance he refuses to sleep in houses believed to be haunted.
Prophetic dreams, I fell off the cliff in the car with princess Grace of Monaco, aound the night it happened, and, saw Prince Rainier, whom, i thought was a neighbour two years behind me in primary school in the dream. I drove the road many years later when working in the south of France and visited Monaco, a beautiful place.

DMT & the Sun God

The Sun like the Gaia Earth is most likely conscious can might somehow see us as it is an eye, the Egyptians thought it was a God, people who took DMT have experienced star consciousness, and the sun spews out electromagnetic arms and solar flares at earth possibly when angry we can't do much but the sun has put up with us for billions of years and supernovas at the end of its life and probably forms a neutron star so dense a teaspoon weighs as much as Mt. Everest.

This is Mike Tyson's DMT experience on the Toad
The Spirit Molecule is described here

Further Scientific Reading 

More on the theory of everything

Is it all a simulation

About D.J. Barrow


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