The Red Pill


My Red Pill findings on the truth about modern women not the hardworking mothers of previous generations but some of this holds true even for them from Jordan Peterson, Alexander Grace, Men in Cars, Rollo Tomassi, Darius M, Todd V Dating, Strong Successful Male on YouTube are as follows

Women hid their cards from me, as they do from all simps, they lie even to themselves, either my mother was very niave about true female nature or she wanted to leave me with the rubbish I learnt in hollywood, here is the advice romantics need to hear.

And this

If you don't understand female nature you can't do better than watching 100 hours of Alexander Grace YouTube most nerds need to they also need to do sports & yoga to learn body awareness the reason they were intelligent in school is they were not using their brainpower to understand the social game or how to use their bodies, which in my opinion requires more intelligence than maths or physics if not thought by a great teacher. If I explain myself badly watch Alex.

Business oriented western women are well dressed with makeup on the pill, they use up their best years climbing the career ladder only to realise they are working upto 80 hours a week in tech companies or legal practices as partners and their time to have babies is almost over and panic, young women in tech companies, pubs and clubs socialites, strippers attract needy orbiters, on instagram and other social media from the plastic population, Only Fans women can earn upto 50k dollars a week showing off their bodies online and are not as good as the exotic dancers I wasted a fortune on in stuttgart who ultimately were little better off than secretaries and had to look after themselves to attract apes like me, Only fans women jigglie their behind or boobies and chatting via text over the internet to thirsty idiots, I can't believe these men are even bigger fools than me exist, pretty young women get loads of validation on social media now and are delusional about how long their easy celebrity will last, and wonder where chadwick is gone at 40, men want to get in 22 year old pants undamaged fertile women who haven't bad habits and can learn, business oriented women go up the ranks without great competence technically beyond putting ono makeup playing the game, in western companies.

There are great women Nurses, I love Nurses my mother was a nurse, Primary school teachers are pretty good, Secretaries, modestly paid women, some women of mathematics & physics got denied Nobel Prizes most notable the Chinese lady who discovered that nature isn't symmetical in the mirror and had handedness, the woman who discovered the liquid drop model of the nucleus,and Noether. 

There are men at the top for marketing, and political gigolos who don't deserve power, Stalin and Mao were apes and got power, because men and women can be manipulated into corruption via power games, psychology, seduction, look at what vodka did to Russia, Hitlers doctor allowed his addiction to Crystal Meth, making his megalomania worse than it could be, the doctor could have been given a placebo and saved a lot of lives, power corrupts and those chasing it like myself in the past don't do good.

 I've left chasing money you don't get it chasing it, goodwill is far better currency, good people & family whom you do favours for will pay you back in unexpected ways, the most powerful people in the world are politicians cooks, thats why food tasters existed in the old days and Trump compliments his cooks profusely, I'm sure like me he enjoys a good meal and even I was emotionally involved with the cooks of fantastic high quality turkish kebabs I got in Stuttgart when I was beginning there, Germans aren't slobs and like amazon the customer service mindset of a nation of team players there is fantastic in general, even if the Germans emotionally isolated themselves and didn't want to know your problems and kept to themselves. There are funny ways to a mans soul.

Rich western women are not as good our mothers in the past, definitely not my mother or women from poorer countries who are slaves to them via world economics, my mother was a saint, whom I didn't appreciate while alive, who used milk cows, went to mass, unlike me saw no miracles yet believed, cared, looked after the cooking, hens, knitting, turkeys for christmas, garden house, nursed, no woman sews anymore they expect bangladeshi women to do it.
Men and women in the west who are brutally honest largely hate each other in the games of power they play, women are agreeable socially adept chamelon liars, they don't tell men what they honestly want, we have to figure this out, they don't know what they want, a fish won't tell you how to catch it, women when they want to kiss go close up look at mens left eye right eye for spanich marks in teeth, my fine dentist gave me some, and loop a few times, this is the time to move.
Corrupt women screw men in marriage if hypergamy or branch swinging mode kicks in, and divorce laws are horrible side with women and wise men should protect themselves before playing diamonds are a girls best friend, women view men who marry as fools and pluck them for being fools now, I'm catholic wanted to get married, Adam and Eve had no ring, will God accept me becoming a player spinning plates like women do.

If talking to women via email or text or for real flirt but always leave them guessing when showing interest. If they flake on a date don't show neediness have an abundance mindset and move onto the next woman.

Rollo Tomassi The Rational Male available on amazon is a great read on modern female nature, it's available as pdf online if desperate and poor, here is a summary.

This song explains spinning plates, as chadwick does, and women do with their friendzoned orbiters whom they pluck money from if needed & chadwicks, and claim sexual molestation if a less than perfect man with poor escilation skills tries to be a chadwick.

Women are only aroused by men they fear, warriors who can fight, will & can protect their children, have self control, frame control, their shit together, old fashioned millionaires, men who can dance, can impress them in bed and bring them to orgasm, men with longterm plans for bettering themselves & are intelligent enough to pull off, not needy basket cases, those who listen to I believe I can fly and cant, definitely not needy men not happy with themselves and their lives, not men with problems, a woman generally won't make these men happier.
I was most attracted to women who didn't need me, needyness is unattrative, thats why this psychiatric patient lost lots of friends throwing the toys out of the cot.
Even feminists want their hair pulled in the bedroom and be run through by chadwick alphas the top 5% of men, women say to themselves alpha fucks, beta bucks, there are average women on earning $50k a week from simps paying to see their titties, imagine being the ape giving these women a $1000 euro tip,some are, with no hope of the desired shag not that they would want it if they knew who many one night stands these women have been ran through by Chadwicks with.

The strippers I chased went with the D.J.'s in the discos who were bad boys, and often did coke or doormen, not ogleing fools like me who thought they could by them. women expect honest men to marry them once they hit the wall at 32 and rear chadwicks child, they are delusional. 

Woment test men for unsinkability by shit tests, any sign of weakness, wincing of the eyes, eye contact weaker than a hollywood alpha or bad defensive posture without your head up, chest out knees straight, shoulders back and your friendzoned or ignored, women wait at the finsh line and pick the winners, they want men to flirt with them, playing push pull, women know they wear make up, don't want worship, they want challenge.

Women generally only are interested in men during ovulation, and, take 9 months to fall in love, have a herd mentality towards men if a few want you they all do, they are lazy evaluating men and leave other women do this for them, they like mystery men, they are curious cats for these men,  don't count men they don't orgasm with in body count, if women class you as ugly, and, you escilate poorly them in the bedroom and they classify you as a pervert, and, may even accuse you of rape, if you are of low value to them or they want to fuck you over.
Men who hang out with women will get more, In Stuttgart and Cork going out I was a loner, simp, and the very few times extremely nice women showed interest, my first question to myself was why did they want me?, I'm a basket case, they are they nuts, or simply was bored by them, no challenge, and headed for the hills.

I tried to sew it is a complex and difficult skill, much more than putting on makeup and arguing cases as a loyar on big money in a sex in the city lifestyle, in cities like new york, my father partied more than most, Dee Shea did the machinery, farm maintenence and was funny, fantastic, sarcastic and had common sense.
My father worked much harder than I do now and was wonderful, he chased me with a stick when I was being a fool and that was fine, he didn't leave lasting damage, while a dentist whom had a  plesant demeanear and I paid hansomly pulled my teeth lowering my value to women a bit more than I believe was neccessary, like Michael Jacksons plastic surgeon, and bad highly paid cowboy dentists wonder why they are hated. A local lovely dental nurse who cleaned teeth committed suicide, a sweetheart who kept teeth beautiful, she didn't value herself, it was awful. A black eye doesn't last long, I've threatened to hit ex bosses who were not playing their best game as programmers, was ignored by other employees who kept in with the boss.
I have few close friends except family but thousands of email addresses of ex colleagues and old friends and job agents whom I share my values with by email spam, and get no emails back from, the more you use social media, the more you drink being rudolf the red nosed reindeer giving pubs and clibs fortunes to get fat and worsen your health, you won't find women chasing them in pubs unless your chadwick, the more you chase attention, the more you are ignored for being a fool if you aren't wise.

My father was in touch with his feelings had difficulty articulating male wisdom to me, the way Jordan Peterson does through his years of reading, talking to patients and basket cases, he can turn near autistic nerds into competent players with 500 hours of arguing the complexeties of social politics, and, why things are the way they are in lifes social game, my father thought me the best he knew and was better than 90% of whats out there, I was a sibling rival of my sister before my breakdown so I picked up few of womens ways from her and my mother was so saintly and possibly innocent she didn't know the complexities of the games women play, or the dark side and sexual and drinking addictions of her nerdy denis the menace son who was socially inedept not sporty a bully and was bullied and could not play the game.

Todd V Dating and Mindful YouTube are defintely worth watching purely for educational purposes and will show you how devious people can be in just poker and the pick up artist game but you need to be bred to have these kind of smarts after 15 they are extremely difficult to learn to second nature, as smart as these geniuses are they are great business educators they know frame control.

Pick up,strip clubs, prostitutes,discos, bars for pick up in excess in the purest worst sense is a losers game, just getting children aborted by women who should not have shagged you anyway, as you decieved them!, your not who you pretended to be, and spreading STDs the possibly catching incurable ones yourself so you can have unhappy children outside a family unit, stop having Genghis Kahn fantasies.
Begin with the end in mind when dealing with women and staying too much in the pub or disco isn't making you more attractive women see a fool throwing away money to get a beer gut on a short term investment rather than a man bettering himself, if your sailing a leaky boat don't expect women to want to sail the world with you. Learn what you can and do Jordan Petersons Future Authoring Program, begin to strategise how to live your life optimally, with the end in mind, and, treat yourself like someone that deserves looking after. This is what women really want at least the prudent ones as well as Chadwick of course. Even cervical cancer is spread by genital warts, condoms don't stop it, and the cervical cancer technically is an STD probably more prevalent and causing more deaths than AIDS.

The last place I expected to get good advice on women was from Book Of Proverbs, but it's an utter classic on human nature written by the Bill Gates of his day & the wisest man that ever lived King Solomon.


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